Monday, December 28, 2009

We're Home! We're Home

Hi Everyone,

We are home at last. Mom is so happy that she is spending her time cuddling with us instead of using the flashy box thing. Chani is exploring the house and sending out her locations 'mews' so that we know where she is and so we can call back and let her know we're all around.

Mom says she will take pics of us, but right now, she is just very happy to be with us.


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

We wish you all a wonderful Christmas!

9 and Chani are at the Kitty Hotel. I'm heading to Los Angeles for a few days. We'll be back next week when Mom has the week off! Hooray! We get lots of time with each other.

hugs and purrs!
9, Chani and Marlene

Sunday, December 20, 2009

More Christmas Outtake photos

Here are more Christmas outtake photos. As you can see, I was an excellent model. I posed and waited long enough for Mom to take a photo. However...

My brother wasn't quite as good a model. He was in constant motion and would not let Mom take a picture of us.

Sigh... brothers

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Chani the Mysterious

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

The sale was ok for Mom, she's always disappointed when she doesn't sell more. But, it was fun for her and she had a good time hanging out with all her pottery friends. Thank you to everyone who showed their support in the comment section!

Now, I thought Mom would start relaxing since the sale is over with, but apparently, she's not able to do so yet! She is talking about Christmas cards and making things for the next woodfiring that will happen the week after Christmas. Sigh... Well, I'll just have to make sure she gets to bed in time and purr her to sleep!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Photo Outtakes

Hi Everyone. Chani here. Mom has taken a lot of heat for dressing us up for Halloween hehe... She really enjoys that, but well, she decided to not "torment" us for our first Christams. So, for our Christmas photo/card, she decided to make us little holiday collars. But, she got a little bored cutting and tying up the ribbon. She only has so much patience left these days.

So, she put these collars on us and did her best to take photos. I was very cooperative, but 9 kept moving around though. Eventually, Mom had to get Grandma to take a photo of us while she held us.

Mom will be busy with her sale this weekend, so I don't think she'll be taking a lot of photos of us. AND Grandma wants her to do up a Holiday card for her. Sigh... Mom is always busy these days. I'm going to have to make sure she cuddles with us a bit just for some well-deserved relaxation.

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

of Toesies and Tidings

Mom just loves my toes. Can you blame her? I work the kyoot by dangling my toes through the bottom of the top tier of the tower. hehe.

This past weekend, Mom seemed quite annoyed about the condo situation. It has been about 5 months since she put in the offer on a nice 3 bedroom 2 bath condo and the seller chose to go with her offer. But, Mom knew she had to be patient because it was a short sale. Still, things seemed a bit funky with the selling realtor constantly saying, "Just give it a few more days" which then turned into weeks and months. So, this past weekend, Mom's realtor found out that the property was in foreclosure and the selling realtor didn't tell us anything! Grrr... Yesterday, the selling realtor finally said that the bank had rejected Mom's offer and sent a cancellation contract (which was dated December 4, last Friday... more grrrrr...)

However, there was another opening in the same complex for a 2 bedroom 2 bath place. It is smaller, but cheaper and more importantly NOT a short sale... Mom and Grandma went over and took a look. I think Grandma was more impressed with the place than Mom (but then, Mom had a run-in with a rather rude tenant just before going into the place over an empty assigned parking spot... it was Mom's fault as she did park there, but she did start off with an apology whereas the tenant started off with: "Are you in my parking spot? Get out!" in a gruff tone). At any rate, Mom decided to make an offer on it (despite mean neighbors, well, maybe the lady had rough morning and just took it out on Mom) and...

Yay! Her offer was accepted!!! So, today, Mom will be signing a bunch of papers and hopefully, everything will go smoothly and she can buy this condo and move in the beginning of January!

We're very happy! Uh-oh, I think Mom wants to take pictures of me and Chani for Christmas... Oh dear...

Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday Frootbats

Not backlit, but you can see the Frootbattage going on here!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sculpted kitties from a woodfiring

Hie on over to my clay blog(Spinning the Clay Fantastic) to see my creations :D

9 and Chani have been very good about sleeping with me and putting up with my late hours and not taking enough photos of them. I promise to reward them with many cuddles and treats when I'm free again! And will post photos of them instead of these faux kitties.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Here are the pendants made out of Precious Metal Clay. The bottom one was burnished by hand, so it's a bit uneven. However, I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. Shall have to make more. The next set will be slightly bigger as this particular PMC shrinks 30%. The rest of the PMC I have only shrinks about 10%. But yay! They made it!

Dead Camera Battery

Mom went to take photos of us for our Christmas card. Got us all dressed up and could not take photos... sigh... She's recharging the battery as I write this

Maybe this weekend...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Mom's a slacker!

Hi Everyone. 9 here. Mom has been seriously slacking in the blogging department. She is constantly muttering something about needing more time and why did she procrastinate. Then, she heads out to the patio where Chani and I are forbidden from entering and stays out there for an unseemly amount of time. When she comes back inside, she's got clay all over her pants and shirt. The dust she trails in makes me sneeze!

Eggcups made for a friend. Behind are all the bowls she's been making... Mom's not too happy with the shape of the eggcups, but our friend is happy with them, so Mom is happy.

Well, at least she sat down in Grandpa's chair this afternoon on a break so I could snuggle with her. Chani got to snuggle with her later in the evening.

Honestly, I don't know what has gotten into Mom...

Hi all, Marlene here. Well, I have a pottery sale coming up on December 12 and 13th. Of course, I waited til the last minute in getting everything made. I'm just barely going to make the last glaze firing before the sale (if I'm lucky enough! Darn the cold weather making everything take forever to dry!).

Some of you may remember my CafePress site (which I haven't updated with new designs in a while. Another bad me moment hehe). At any rate, I decided to have the Cat design and the Angel design made into clay stamps so I could make some clay pendants with them... or use them as decorative accents for some bowls. In the next few days, I'll be making some pendants out of Precious Metal Clay and I'll show you what those look like after I fire them.

The stamps

And if you want, you can check out my clay blog, Spinning the Clay Fantastic. I'll be showing some of I've been making for my sale there.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone in the cat blog world who visit and read about 9 and Chani's (and sometimes my) adventures. I'm so grateful for all the wonderful comments and stories. I remember when I was merely lurking, reading The Poupounette and Cat with a Garden. Or just looking at the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee and sighing over kittens with Lisa. I remember when I first adopted 9 and Chani and started blogging about them(Thank you for encouraging me, Cori!). I wasn't sure who would read, I just wanted to be a part of the Cat Blogging world (being Lol'd by Wendy was definitely a high point!) and not merely lurk! So, thank you all for welcoming me and my beloved pair. Thank you for your words of sympathy and encouragement and just enjoying the life of being owned by a cat or two or 9... (Please don't be offended if I didn't link to your blog in this gushing of gratitude paragraph! I am grateful to you as well!)

You are all truly wonderful people.

And of course, lest I forget, all the kitties and woofies are supremely special. Where would any of us be without these beloved creatures?

Blessings on you all.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Now, where's that turkey?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Chani at play

Here's Chani at play. Isn't my girl getting big??? Give the video a few seconds for the colors to work right

Yes, that is my mom's voice in the back asking if we can go look at cameras for my dad's Christmas present. And yes, that "Umm... hang on" is my high pitched voice... Although I tend to talk at a lower register, I do have a soprano natural voice. Sigh...

And yes, we were watching football. I haven't been a regular watcher of NFL football in a long time, but it's kind of good to get back to it.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Cleaning Chani on a Sunday

If my brain hadn't already sploded from the cuteness before, well, it would have gone splodey when I saw this. Took a few pictures and of course, missed the shots where both kitties were looking at me. Still, with this kind of composition in front of me, I think I can forgive myself.

Checked out another condo today with my realtor (it's been about 4 and a half months since I made my offer on my first condo, and because it's a short sale, it's taking fooooorrrreeeevvver. Average short sale takes 4 - 6 months to complete). At any rate, this new condo was more impressive than the listing made it seem, but not enough for me to make an offer (really, if I'm going to buy a place, I must have my own laundry in my own place! Not to mention heaters that are not on the wall baseboards. Yes, I'm picky and spoiled by modern conveniences)... Will keep you all informed on how it all goes.

As I was told by Siena and Chilli's mom, Chani and 9 seem to be enjoying their grandparents' attention. Yes, they do and are getting very spoiled, but in a good way. And with moments like the above, how could anyone resist spoiling them?

Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy First Birthday Chani and a Belated One to 9

Today is the day that I have decided is Chani's birthday. When I adopted her, she was about 4 months old, doing some calclulations, I figured that she was born in November. I decided to give her this day because it is the same as a good friend of mine. I later found out that this day was my grandfather's birthday too. So, I have a good memory trick to now remember my friend's birthday as I could never forget Chani's birthday.

9 had his birthday on October 25th when I was in LA. I decided not to mention it to him so he wouldn't feel left out. 9 was about 5 months old when I adopted him and Chani, so I figured he was a Scorpio and I gave him another friend's birthday which is also my uncle's birthday and Q's birthday. I gave Q this day because I couldn't forget my friend's and uncle's birthday and so I would remember his birthday. Funny how things change. Now I give my cats certain birthdays to remember friends' birthdays.

And can I write "birthday" any more in a paragraph or two? Geez, I really need to get a thesaurus...

Anyhow, Happy First Birthday Chani! and Happy Belated First Birthday 9! I love you two!

Happy weekend all :D

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

9 cleaning Chani

Here is the video of 9 cleaning Chani. I love her little yawn in the middle of it all! The lighting wasn't that great at the time that I shot the footage, so I imported the video into AfterEffects and added a few filters. I also shrunk the video down. This is what I went to art school for!

Oh, and it helps if you look at all the pieces that come in the box of your new smart phone (Smart phone, maybe not so smart consumer/user hehe). Found the USB cable for my Droid, so I just cable loaded the video to my computer. Thus, I'm even happier with my new gadgety phone now! By the way, thank goodness for internet resources because this phone did not come with a manual at all. Just a pamplet. Hmmm... maybe not so smart company? Though, they did provide a link for videos on Youtube to show you how to use your phone. Hmmm... how very cunning of Motorola?
And I wanted to thank everyone for their comments on the picture of Siena. I am an artist by trade and training, so I am very particular when it comes to presenting my artwork. If it doesn't look like it would when you see it in person, I consider it a "bad" photo. Of course, nothing really replaces actually seeing an image or action in person, but you can get pretty close. Honestly, I wasn't being that hard on myself... just being me :P

Sunday, November 15, 2009

More 9 and Chani on the twin bed

As it's Snuggle Sunday, I thought I'd post a few more pics from the other night. See where they are sleeping? Absolutely no room for me on that pillow at all.

This just gave me warm fuzzies.

Last night, I moved Chani from her spot by the pillow and put her right next to 9. He started to clean her up and I got video on my new phone (I got a Droid by Motorola!!! I'm such a geek :P) I'm still figuring out how to offload stuff from my phone onto my computer. Once I do, I'll post that video. More warm fuzzies shall abound!

Friday, November 13, 2009


Here's a rather poor photo of the sketch of Siena done up in marker.

I had to sort of play with the colors to get it to look less yellow. And I think I need to darken up Siena's M at her forehead... Eventually, I'll post better versions of this sketch and the one I did of Tama-chan.

Bring on the critique, everyone!

Spreading the word

Hie on over to Brian's Blog if you can. There are a couple of kitties who could use some help.

Oh, and it seems like enough money was raised for Princess's Operation! Hooray!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

9 and Chani on the twin bed

Last night, I took a shower. I had left 9 and Chani dozing on our bed, but Chani was by the pillow and 9 was in the middle. I came back to the above.
Both immediately woke up and I went for my camera. It's not too often that they snuggle like this, so I had to make sure to take photos.
9 decided it was time to clean Chani. As you can see by her reaction, she had no problem with this at all.
She was purring up a storm as he cleaned her.
Chani started to bite back halfheartedly, so 9 decided it was time to clean himself. This was an action shot of him midway between cleaning himself and pulling back to get another go. Chani just slept through it all.

My only question is: if they're up by my pillow being all adorable, where do I sleep?

I photo messaged a pic of the pair to a friend asking the above. She told me: The floor! Duh!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What 9 may look like in a few years

This past weekend, I was asked to take care of a friend's 3 cats, Sharmi, Killi and Kaze. I didn't get any pictures of Sharmi and Killi, but Kaze was more than happy to pose for me. Isn't the heart on his side adorable?

He came out to meet me and let me pet him, cuddle with him and of course, take pictures of him. His coat was a lot lighter when he was younger and he's gotten darker and darker as he's grown up. I think 9 might look a lot like him when 9 grows up.

Kaze is short for Kamikaze because he was quite the little acrobat and zoomie kitty when he was a kitten. He does tend to annoy his older sisters, but those beautiful blue eyes just need to flash at you, and you melt. Kaze is such a sweetie!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Handsome 9 on a Sunday

9 just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Sunday! And he's probably thinking: give me treats!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Naughty but cute

9 and Chani like to climb up on to places where they are not supposed to be. Guess which one is being 'naughty' here.

9 loves to play in my bag when I pull it out. He's not too happy when I fill it up and go traveling, but he does play well in it. I love how he goes so well with this bag hehe.

Now, is that a face of a naughty boy who got kicked out of his Mom's room at 5:40 this morning? Yes, indeed it is. I love him, he's adorably cute, but at 5:40 a.m. he's going out of the room to play and I don't care how much he scratches on my door! Well, I do care, but really, I need my beauty sleep...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Chani on her pink blanket

Chani here. The other day, I decided to keep Grandma company while she worked on the computer in Mom's room. Mom keeps the PBoD (Pink Blanket of Doom) on the bed and well, it was very comfortable. Mom walked in and saw me. Originally, I was on my back but I rolled to my side as she started to take photos.

After a bit, I decided to roll over onto my back and be all adorable. Mom can't resist taking a billion shots of kitties on their backs being adorable. Grandma told her, "Enough already!" Mom stopped after a few more shots and gave me loooooove.

hehe Snorgles to you all :D

Monday, November 2, 2009

Siena Sketch

This is the sketch of Siena that I've been working on. I wonder if I got a good enough likeness... The image shall be inked and colored soon enough!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Hello All, Chani here. So, Mom has been saying that she has finally figured out what 9 and I had been plotting in revenge for dressing us up. As if we would ever consider taking revenge on her!!! It was more putting the idea in her head and watching her trying to figure out what we were going to do. Honestly, humans beans trying to decipher cat logic, it's so amusing when beans try that.

Aren't I so pretty by the lamplight?

At any rate, Mom has been saying that we have been trying to push her off of our bed because she's been waking up in the morning, lying on her side on the outer fourth of the bed with very few covers. This is so far from the truth!

I think she's posted this picture before, but it's worth posting again!

When we were living in the apartment, we had a full size bed, so there was a lot of space for us and we didn't have to worry about Mom falling out of bed. But now, at Grandma and Grandpa's, we sleep on a twin size bed. It's small, but it means we get to snuggle tighter together. Still, we worry about Mom's safety. You know how clutzy humans are! Every night, I snuggle into Mom's arms and use her shoulder as a pillow. 9 snuggles between her legs. We make sure that she cannot move at all, but somehow, she does move! I'm not sure how she does it, but she wiggles out of our protective pinning and turns over. If only she wouldn't do that, she'd be perfectly warm and safe in our snuggles.

Sigh... humans...

Oh and to get a little bit of a head start, here's a Frootbat offering of me. Happy Frootbat Friday and Happy Halloween everyone. I'll try to make Mom post more this weekend!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Celebrating Tocktober on Tuesday

And there you go. 9 tocks and Chani tocks. Cute :D

Sunday, October 25, 2009


This past weekend, I was in Manhattan Beach going to a cousin's Bar Mitzvah (we're related by marriage). For his project, he decided to work on the tenet of kindness and wanted to focus on animals (Yes, he's a boy after my own heart.) He was sort of denied the opportunity to volunteer at local animal shelters because they have an age requirement of 16... Being only 13, he had to find another place.

So, he found Linda Baley of Too Many Rabbits. Linda lives in Redondo Beach and does her best to help educate the public about bunnies as well as rescue abandoned bunnies. My cousin helped her out by cleaning the cages (yay for rabbit poop!) and such. He plans to continue to help Linda out and hopes to convince his parents that he is responsible enough to help foster a few bunnies himself. 

For more information about Linda, please check out her other website:

I thought I'd try to spread the word out amongst us all since I know how much we all love animals (feline, canine, lapine, bovine, equine... to name just a few).

Hope you all have had a great weekend. I don't get to see my beloved kitties until tomorrow. I miss them so much!!! Here's to hoping that they haven't planned more 'revenge' against me while visiting the Kitty Hotel.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Off to LA I go

Well, I'm off to LA tomorrow morning with my parents for a family function. So, my darlings are staying at a lovely little place called The Kitty Hotel. The owner, Tammy, is a godsend for people who have to leave their pets somewhere aside from home while they travel. She really loves cats and as a wonderful plus, was adored by Q and she herself adored him. My parents took them to the hotel while I was at work.

Apparently, 9 made a few little mews as they drove over there while Chani complained loudly. At the hotel itself, Grandpa had a hard time getting both kitties out of their carriers, but succeeded. 9 hissed once he got into the cage and hissed again when Chani was placed in there. Chani retreated toward the back by the litter box.

I feel bad that I have to leave them behind, but it's only until Monday morning. Sigh... I miss them already.

Here are a few pics to tide you over...

And me as well.

See you on Monday!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Princess needs help!

Hi All. I found out from a friend about a dear little rescue girl named Princess, pictured above... Here's her info:

Name: Princess
Description: Siamese Mix Med-Hair Female Kitten
DOB: 3/28/09

Princess is in need of surgery and we are currently in the process of raising funds. Princess has a problem with ear polyps and will need the lower part of her bone surrounding the ear removed so the polyps won't grow back. She can still be adopted while we are raising the funds and her surgery will be scheduled as soon as we have the funds. Her surgery will cost over $2000.

We are holding a fundraiser for Princess. Please come join us for a yummy breakfast at
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar
51 Curtner Ave, San Jose, CA 95125

Saturday, Nov 7th, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Biography: I'm relaxed and sweet, as well as loving to snuggle. I have medium-long fur, blue eyes, and an adorable face. I'm used to a dog and other kitties which I love to play with. I like to have lots of toys around to keep me busy!

Here's the website where you can learn more about the Organization and make a donation if you're able... if anything, please just spread the word about her! Thanks!

Anything you can do to help would be appreciated!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

9 and Chani plotting

While I was taking pictures of Chani in her kimono, 9 would come up and try to play with her. However, in looking back at this picture, I think there's something more 'diabolical' going on...

9: Chani! pssss... mrrrr... pssss... shhhh!
Chani: ok! mrrrr... shh! hehe hehe

And we've been Stamped by Brian! Here are the rules:

1. Publish the Selinho(stamp) along with the Rules.
2. Post a link to the site that gave you the award.
3. Nominate 10 blogs to earn the seal.
4. Tell the nominees you've stamped them.

I shall have to figure out who to nominate and will get back to you on that!