More scanned pictures of Q. Above is probably the first photo of Q ever. He was such a tiny thing then!

Here I am, holding him. My what huge glasses I had back then. I think this is how I got Q to deal with me hugging him and picking him up all the time. Just couldn't help myself!

Here is Q on my mom's chair when I first brought him to my parents' house. Yes, he rolled on his side and showed off that gorgeous belly a lot!

Another shot of Q's gorgeous belly. He definitely had the belly spot action going there.
Right after I lost Q, I knew I wanted to adopt right away. At the time, I just couldn't deal with having a kitty who looked like Q. I thought it would be too painful. You've seen who I ended up with, and neither 9 nor Chani have belly spots. Strange how now, I miss those spots so much!
Oh well, I am quite happy with the pair I have (though, it's so hard to not scoop up another baby who is all black or has belly spots! But, I think Chani would have issues and I have a hard enough time giving them all the attention they require... yes, I'm trying to justify not getting a new brother or sister for 9 and Chani, but perhaps when my parents settle down and not travel so much hehehe...).