Thursday, April 18, 2013

Drawing time!

Mom has a sale coming up (April 27 and 28). Usually she would be selling pottery, but lately, she hasn't been feeling the clay bug. So, she's been painting (the Om Kitties) and drawing (Q and the Moon - see below) .

the original Q and the Moon image... way back when Mom was learning Photoshop

Now, one of Mom's favorite (and repeatable with many variations) images that she's come up with is the Yin Yang Kitties. She's painted these before on plates and platters. This time, she decided that she wanted to do them in colored pencil. Eventually, she will paint them with acrylic paint, but for now, she's using colored pencil and trying to get better at using them.

Here's her first attempt.
It's pretty tiny. Only 3.5 inches in diameter or so. It's meant to fit in this 5x5 frame that she's had hanging around the condo forever and ever.

Here's what it looks like framed. And another drawing that she made and is willing to part with.

Mom hopes to get 2 more Yin Yang Kitties done up. AND she needs to start putting together all the Om Kitty cards with price tags. So, she will definitely be busy this weekend. We'll make sure that she gives us as much attention as we desire. And we'll also be sure to keep her on task. She keeps muttering something about painting up 4 little acrylic paintings of feline faces and fish, but we're not sure she'll be able to do that.

OH! And taking Sparkle's human's suggestion about signing up for a 5K race, Mom has signed up for the Color Me Rad race on September 14th. Mom better start training hard so she won't be too messy hahah!