Monday, June 3, 2013

Furry Monday

Mom decided to brush us tonight. Sheamus Popoki and Chani were very good about it. 9, not so much. Mom had to chase him down. At any rate, Mom ended up covered in fur as well. Her black exercise pants turned buff orange with long furs from Spam-chan.

Lately, Mom has been stressed at work. Things aren't going so well what with a number of layoffs. Her job is safe for now, but she's worried. We try to help out as much as we can by purring and cuddling with her. She loves us very much for that.

She's also decided to quit her gym membership because she tried jogging outside and could barely jog half a mile! So, if she's going to run in 5K without walking, she really needs to train outside and not on a treadmill. This month, her yoga membership ran out and she hasn't been going as much (she only went once in May!). Plus, her ankle is still not 100%... maybe 75% well. She can jog on it after all, but it still is a bit swollen. And so, lots of changes going on for Mom right now. She says she needs to sit back and regroup.

We kitties will make sure that Mom is supported well and do our best to keep her spirits up!


  1. When my human Furminates Boodie, her black workout pants turn off-white! She always tries to do it right before laundry day.

    Humans need to do that regrouping thing every now and again. It's good you kitties are there, lending your support.

  2. You are a wonderful bunch of kitties and we are sure you provide vital support to your Mom!

    The Chans

  3. You three are so good to Mom to help her with her stress!
