Saturday, December 29, 2012

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays furiends! Well, we have had a wonderful break. Mom stayed home and just lay around for us to be with. It seems she caught some sort of stomach bug and just couldn't get out of bed. Of course we took very good care of her, snuggling up next to her and keeping her warm.

Since she was ill, Mom didn't go out and get us presents. However, Grandpa and Grandma gave us some cat nip sticks. As you can see, we all quite enjoyed them.
9 received the blue one.

Chani got the yellow one

And Sheamus Popoki got the green one.

We all looooved the sticks hehe.

We hope you had a lovely Christmas and will have a happy happy New Year!

Oh, and Mom is feeling much better now purrrrrr


  1. That's good that your human is feeling better! Unwell humans are a lot of work for kitties, and I bet you want to enjoy your catnip sticks without having to play nurse!

  2. Those cat nip sticks look fun! We have never seen any of those
