Monday, February 14, 2011


Happy Valentine's Day all! We hope you all have a lovely day. This year, we are Mom's Special Valentine's.

Now, we have to confess, Mom has been complaining about the whole bed situation. She says that she cannot wait to get back home to our "lovely queen sized" bed. Honestly, we have no idea why she thinks that. We love being at Grandpa and Grandma's. We get lots of love and treats and attention. And frankly, we are quite comfortable on our bed. Look... here some proof.

I look comfortable, right?

9 looks pretty comfy too...

Well, here's a wider angle shot of us... We're only occupying the lower half of the bed. Yes, we're in the center, but Mom has enough room at the top, right? And if she wants to stretch out, there's about a foot of room on either side of this twin sized bed for her legs. Mom should just curl up like we kitties and we'd all be just fine!


  1. That is funny! WE have a king size bed and Mom and Dad do knot understand why er want to spread out in the middle or pin them down on one side!

  2. LOL! The bed looks quite comfy for you two...I however know exactly how your mom feels :)

    Happy Valentines Day to all! Hope you have a day filled with love and laughter and lots of treats for 9 and Chani ;)

  3. Ha, that is funny. I have a twin-sized bed at my parents' house too, and man, is it ever tiny. I can't imagine sharing it with two kitties.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. HeHeHe...... Sei-Chan and I do a pretty good job on #1's bed so, even though it is a double, she sometimes finds herself in the strangest sleeping positions...

    The Beebs

  5. I know bed hogs when I see 'em, kitties. Not all humans can sleep nose to knees, you know! ;)
